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Rules And
We are well aware that without rules and regulations we can not excel in our life. School rules, helps to maintain discipline by ensuring that the students are aware of how to behave and the consequences of misbehaving. General Rules
1. All the students must use English language for conversation in the school campus.
2. If the student is found misbehaving with other students or staff members, they can be restigate from school.
3. All the students have to maintain discipline in the school campus. 4. All the boys of our school have to touch their parents and teachers feet regularly and girls have to wish their parents and teachers regularly.
5. All the students must be regular in school. If your ward attendance is less than 80%, their name can be struck off from school.
6. Students are not allowed to bring fast food in the school.
7. Students are not allowed to carry mobile phones in the school campus
. Fee Submission Rule 1. All the parents have to pay their ward monthly fee by 10th date of every month, otherwise you have to pay fine.
Admissions The following procedure must be followed by you to admit your ward in MBDIHS
1. Visit school/website for registration.
2. Appear in entrance exam, which is going to be held at school itself.
3. If your ward secures good marks in entrance exam, you can admit your ward in our school by paying all the charges.
1. Visit school.
2. Submit the withdrawal form with all the dues pending for the session. 3. Within one month of form submission you will get your ward TC.
If the name of a student is struck – off due to non – payment of dues or on account of his/her absence without leave for seven consecutive days, his/her admission entirely depends on the discretion of the Principal and availability of seat. If re – admission is allowed, the child will have to pay re – admission fee and the arrears due.
Affiliation MBDIHS
is affiliated to CBSE, code: 530938, with all
the three streams (Science
, Commerce and Arts) available under a
single roof. Our school is an English medium day boarding school.